2017年8月25日 星期五


羅傑許. 醫生否認任何不法行為
A Plymouth psychiatrist rubbed his thighs, licked his lips and ''darted'' his tongue in and out of his mouth as he counselled a woman over her love life during a series of sexually charged consultations, a medical tribunal has heard.
Dr Rajesh Jain, 46, pulled his chair up close to the patient, sat with his legs open and stared at her intently as he asked her if she had frequent sex with her boyfriend, it was said.
控訴指出,46歲的羅傑許. 醫生坐著雙腿張開地把椅子靠近病人,盯著她,熱切而特意地問她:是否和男朋友有頻繁的性交。
The unnamed woman was said to have felt so ''uncomfortable'' at Jain's body language she refused to attend a follow up appointment and later made a complaint. She discovered she had been over prescribed anti depressants by Jain who said they would ''help her sleep.''
據說這位不願透露姓名的女子表示,她對的肢體語言感到非常“不舒服”,她拒絕再繼續之後的療程,並提出投訴。 她也發現超過規定地給了她抗抑鬱藥的處方,而他的說法是:它們“幫助她睡覺

The encounter occurred during series of consultations Jain had with four women in which he allegedly made inappropriate comments which left them in shock or in tears, it was claimed.

A second woman living under the same roof as her partner and her ex-husband said she was asked by Jain: 'what do you do - line them up at night and pick the one you're going to sleep with?' whilst another suffering from a severe eating disorder after she was raped by an ex-partner was left in tears when Jain told her: ''It would be impossible to be anally raped without the use of lubrication.''
第二個提出控訴的女人,她和她的現任及前夫住在同一屋簷下,她說,她被這麼問道:“你做什麼 - 讓他們晚上列隊,挑選你要睡得人嗎?”另一名在遭到前伴侶強姦後而嚴重飲食失調的患者,淚流滿面地控訴竟對她說:“如果沒有使用潤滑劑,是不可能被雞姦的。”
A fourth was warned by Jain she would have to be admitted to hospital because he believed she was meeting a man purely for sex - further claiming people with bipolar disorder were ''sexually frustrated.''
The doctor later said some of his actions were ''mannerisms and habits'' he had developed through the years - and he meant nothing by them.
這位醫生後來說,他的一些行動是多年來發展起來的“特質和習慣” –它們對他來說是毫無意義的。
The incidents in 2015 occurred over a two month whilst locum Jain was standing in for the regular consultant at the Ridgeway Clinic, in Plympton, who was off sick. The Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service in Manchester was told the first woman - known as Patient A - went to see Jain after she began self harming.
2015年發生這些事件的那兩個月,正是在臨時代理普林斯頓的瑞居偉(Ridgeway)診所請病假的定期顧問期間。 曼徹斯特的醫生審判服務處被告知是:第一名控訴人被稱為患者A的女性 是在她開始自我傷害後,才去看
But lawyer for the General Medical Council, Kathryn Johnson, said: ''Dr Jain then asked to see any scars that there were on her stomach and legs. She refused to do this because it would have meant pulling her top up and trousers down and this request would result in those actions would make her feel uncomfortable.
但醫學總會的凱瑟琳·強森(Kathryn Johnson)律師說:“醫師當時要求看她的肚子和腿部的所有傷痕。 她拒絕這樣做,因為這意味著要把自己的上衣和褲子拉下來,這個請求必然導致這些行為這會使她感覺不舒服。

"She then described Dr Jain made her feel that he didn't believe her in relation to the issue of self harming. She described how he began to ask questions about her sexual life, if she had a boyfriend, how frequently she had sex and whether it was unprotected.
''She was surprised at being asked these questions as she had never been asked in such depth before, she felt uncomfortable with Dr Jain especially due to his body language that he was exhibiting as he was talking to her.
"She felt uncomfortable at the fact he pulled his chair up close to her, sitting with his legs open rubbing his thighs and his tongue was darting in and out of his mouth, and in addition she felt he was staring intently at her and all this made her feel very uncomfortable.
"She did tell her boyfriend at the time about the way the consultation had developed and he advised she made a complaint. She described because of the way the consultation had gone she felt unable to attend the follow up appointment that had been arranged.
"The doctor says that some of his actions are mannerisms and habits he has developed through the years and he means nothing by them. but the GMC's expert gives the opinion that if Dr Jain was aware he had these habits or mannerisms he should either warn his patients they may see him displaying these actions or take active steps to do something about them.
“這個醫生說,他的一些行為是多年來發展起來的特質和習慣,並不意味著什麼。但是GMC(醫學總會,General Medical Council)的專家認為,如果晉醫生知道他有這些特質或習慣,他應該警告他的患者可能會看到他顯示這些行為,或者採取積極措施來處理這些行為。
Another woman known as Patient B and who had endured childhood sexual abuse went to see Jain with her partner.
Miss Johnson said: "At that time she was living in the same household as her partner and indeed with her children and her previous partner. She explained her living arrangements to Dr Jain but her partner was then shocked to hear that Dr Jain's immediate response was 'what do you do line them up at night and pick the one you're going to sleep with?'
"Neither Patient B nor her partner said anything but he was concerned and thought the comment was inappropriate. Before he could explain what side effects Patient B was suffering from with her medication Dr Jain jumped in and asked if they were to do with sex.
"Dr Jain did make a comment in relation to the issue of childhood abuse, he said something along the lines of 'people can't remember that far back'. That comment upset Patient B. She observed some of Dr Jain's body language and considered that that body language would be off putting for vulnerable patients.''
“晉醫師確實就虐待兒童問題發表了評論,他說,” 人們不可能記得那麼久遠以前的事。“那個評論使病人B感到難過。她觀察了晉醫師的肢體語言,並認為那樣的身體語言是會令弱勢的病患不愉快且不安的。“
A third woman known as Patient C had sought counselling over a rape ordeal at the hands of her partner. Miss Johnson said:''She described how the issue of sexual abuse was raised and she referred to being anally and vaginally raped but she recalls that Dr Jain then made a comment that it would be impossible to be anally raped without the use of lubrication.
被稱為患者C的第三名女性因被伴侶強姦的痛苦經驗而尋求諮詢。 強森小姐說:“她描述了性虐待狀況是如何演變升級的,她提到被雞姦和陰道強姦,但她回憶說,晉醫師當時發表評論說,如果沒有使用潤滑劑是不可能被雞姦的。

"Patient C was shocked and felt that he was not believing her and she said: 'believe me I was raped'. Patient C described that Dr Jain did apologise to her although didn't appear sorry at the upset he had caused, she was visibly upset and began crying.
"She describes leaving the consultation in a daze and suffering flash backs of her previous abuse afterwards, her eating disorder got worse and her drinking increased and she made a complaint about Dr Jain. The GMC expert described the comment about the rape as grossly insensitive."
The fourth woman, a mother known as Patient D was also asked about her sex life, whether she had a boyfriend, whether she had sex with him, whether she used contraception and where she went to answer calls of nature.
Miss Johnson said: ''When she challenged this line of questioning, Dr Jain responded that people suffering from bipolar disorder can become sexually frustrated and therefore the questions were appropriate.


"Patient D responded by saying she was not like that and Dr Jain then went on to ask her what her mental state was like when she met the man she described that she saw on a regular basis. She described she didn't meet that man when she was feeling low because she wouldn't leave the house.
''Then Dr Jain suggested that she only seemed to see the man for sex and Patient D felt Dr Jain was twisting her words because although she said she had had a sexual relationship with him she had also gone to the cinema with him and done other activities.
"Dr Jain then suggested that if her behaviour continued he would have to admit her to hospital. Due to the discomfort and distress she told the reception she didn't wish to see Dr Jain again, she told her parents what happened. Patient D described having been made to feel threatened by the possibility of being admitted to hospital or having her children removed.''
Jain later said he was ''shocked and disappointed'' at the complaints and had not intended to cause any distress. He claimed there may have been ''some misunderstanding and a communication gap'' and claimed he had an interest in ''sexual dysfunction."
Jain denies sexually motivated behaviour and misconduct. The hearing continues.
晉醫生否認“性意圖”的行為和不端行為。 聽證會繼續進行。





2017-03-17 10:57 世界日報 記者黃伊奕╱即時報導
紐約上州羅徹斯特(Rochester)市的華裔精神科醫師崔新佳(Xingjia Cui),因涉嫌醫保詐欺、洗錢及稅務詐欺等罪名,在聯邦調查局(FBI)秘密布線與調查下,日前遭逮捕,隨即被紐約西區聯邦檢察官辦公室提起公訴,案件在紐約西區聯邦法院審理,如果被指控罪名全部成立,他將面臨20年有期徒刑以及50萬元罰款。.......

















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